The victims of war claimed compensation. 战争受害者要求赔偿。
After the war, Chinese government took a magnanimous policy: let Japanese retreat safely from mainland China and ask no compensation of war from Japan. 战争结束之后,我方主张宽大为怀的处理方式,让日本人平安的撤出中国,在战争赔偿方面也采取几乎是一笔勾销的大方政策。
Emerging markets are becoming heated markets, says the report, "fuelling an intense war for talent which is driving excessive compensation and a lack of employee loyalty". 该报告称,新兴市场正变成炙手可热的市场,“这引发了一场激烈的人才争夺战,既过分推高了薪酬水平,又降低了员工忠诚度”。
On the legal Evidences for Nongovernmental Claims for War Reparations from Japan; Contract Compensation and Public Relations during Compensation 论对日索取民间战争赔偿的法律依据工程索赔的合同依据及索赔工作要搞好的公共关系
War Reparation and Civil Compensation& On the Lawsuits for Civil Compensation by Chinese Victims of the Chemical Weapons Abandoned by the Japanese Army 战争赔偿与民间赔偿&兼论日军遗华化学武器诉讼案及其前景
In recent years, as the sum of civil claim of China for war compensation against Japan increases, the whore society are paying attention to the civil responsibility caused by the war crime of Japan. 近年来,随着我国对日民间索赔案件数量逐渐增加,日本在第二次世界大战期间战争犯罪的民事赔偿责任开始引起了全社会的关注。
Claim for non-governmental war compensation from Japan is the legal right of Chinese people, but it is an arduous task. 对日索取民间战争赔偿是中国人民的权利,然而目前索赔之路非常艰辛。
An Analysis on Postwar German Reparations Policy The Story after the War On chastening compensation 试析战后德国战败赔偿政策
Japan's Diplomacy of the Payment of War Compensation in Southeast Asia 日本对东南亚的赔偿外交研究
Germany reparations after World War ⅱ have also some reference for the East Asian war victims to claim compensation from Japan. 战后德国赔偿还对东亚战争受害者向日本索取赔偿有一定借鉴意义。
Chinese war victims claim compensation by means of lawsuit, therefore, the legal basis in lawsuit becomes the key issue about victory and defeat under the condition that the majority of Japanese Courts have already recognized the fact. 中国民间战争受害者展开的对日民间索赔是以司法诉讼的方式进行的,因此,在大多数日本法院已经不得不认定事实的前提下,诉讼的法律依据就成为胜负的关键问题。
With the talent war in the market becoming fiercer, the main factor causing employees to jump ship and bring their positivity and creativity is the compensation. 在当今人才激烈竞争的社会里,决定人才流动、积极性和主动性的发挥的最主要因素之一就是薪酬。
This is the first time in human history, that a defeated country enacted laws to protect the rights of war victims to obtain compensation. 这是人类历史上第一次有战败国制订法律保障战争受害者获取赔偿的权利。